April 3, 2012 Albert Lea Post Authority Minutes
April 3, 2012
April 3, 2013
Albert Lea Business Development Center
The Regular Meeting of the Albert Lea Port Authority was called to order on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at 7:30 a.m. by President Nancy Skophammer. Roll was noted by the Board Secretary.
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vern Rasmussen, Jr., Mike Moore, Jerry Ehn, Nancy Skophammer, Ellen Kehr, Keith Fligge, and Al Brooks
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Chad Adams, City of Albert Lea representative; Randy Kehr, business community representative; Mike Lee, Freeborn County representative
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Dorman, Executive Director; Ryan Nolander, Assistant Director, and Julie Dandrea, Board Secretary
GUESTS: Mike Murtaugh, Freeborn Mower Cooperative and Rebecca Gisel, Alliant Energy
The minutes from the March 6, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Fligge made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Ehn. President Skophammer asked for any discussion and hearing none, the motion carried 7 in favor; 0 opposed.
The claims were presented for review. Commissioner Brooks made a motion to accept the claims as presented in the amount of $18,659.92, seconded by Commissioner Moore. President Skophammer asked for any discussion and hearing none, the motion carried 7 in favor; 0 opposed.
A thank you letter was passed around from SMIF for the donation in the City’s and Port Authority’s name.
Enderes Property Update – Freeborn County Cooperative is still interested in the parcel we offered, but is also working with Airgas who has 3-4 acres that might work better for them.
Fountain Industries/Spec Building – Fountain Industries was sold last year, but the sellers still own the building. There are four years left on the lease and they are looking at options. They looked at the spec building and liked it. Zumbro River Brand is interested in expanding behind their building to add about 60,000 square feet. There is a strip of land at the end of Sykes Street owned by the city that was kept for either rail or road access. ZRB would be interested in obtaining the parcel to build a private drive from Sykes to Hershey. We’ll help them in any way we can.
Jensen Excavating/IDD – Assistant Director Nolander has been working with them. They do tiling, hauling gravel, etc. and are outgrowing their current farm site. They want to be on the north end of town and are interested in a lot on Plaza Street. We will work with city planning to make it fit in the IDD or rezone. They would like to resolve any issues before their busy season begins, and would not build for a couple years.
Freeborn County – Mike Lee, Freeborn County Representative
- Yesterday, the county board accepted the agreement between DNR and Union Pacific for the bike trail property. There is $50K coming from Recreational Trail Program and $950K coming from Parks and Legacy. Soon, they will begin negotiations with Union Pacific.
- The county will build a storage facility at their garage for equipment. The county board supported the dredging project. The commissioners will take a bus tour of roads needing repair that are not covered under state aid program. On April 16, the county will meet with Kwik-Trip about the intersection design.
City of Albert Lea – Chad Adams, City of Albert Lea Representative
- Kwik-Trip is expecting to move forward on their construction this summer and so will Hy-Vee. The city is asking HyVee for a right-of-way easement to enable joining Plaza to Plaza Street in 2014. Transportation issues are still being worked out.
- Bids were opened for the Broadway Avenue reconstruction. The lowest bid was over a half million too high. The city will look at pulling out some items and look for any reserve dollars that could be used. Monday’s city council agenda includes awarding the contract.
- Phoenix Development submitted their pro forma for the Freeborn Bank project. State grants would have to be applied for. Much would have to happen in the next couple months before the city is willing to commit to the project.
- LGA – A reform package with a new formula has been proposed. Under the new formula, Albert Lea would receive more with small increases annually for inflation. Currently, Albert Lea is getting $4.7 million. It’s looking more positive than it has in the past.
- On May 13, the new assistant city manager begins. He’ll work on the city’s website information, special projects, and day-to-day issues.
Chamber of Commerce – Randy Kehr, business community representative
- The Ag lunch on March 16 was a success even though some weren’t able to make it due to the ice. Randy went back to the Capital with others to meet with Governor Dayton’s staff regarding the Water Shed/Fountain Lake. The hope is to get on everyone’s bonding bill.
- Riverland’s new president, Adenuga Atewologun, was introduced to all three campuses last week. He goes by a shortened version, “Nuga,” and will begin on July 1st.
- The Chamber will underwrite a coupon book through the Shopper to make ads affordable for the downtown businesses while under construction to help with the loss of business during that time.
- Commissioner Rasmussen passed out an article on a successful entrepreneurship program in Juneau County, WI. They have a club with a nominal fee to join and a presentation every month. It’s a very supportive environment for entrepreneurs. Assistant Director Nolander spoke about the Peer-to-Peer group he belongs to and they have been talking about how to do this, what entrepreneurs need, and how to connect them. An entrepreneur in Rochester recently started a group and his biggest hurdle is how to fund the program. Nolander has heard Terry Whipple, Executive Director of Juneau County EDC, speak about Juneau’s program and said they have a lot of successful entrepreneurs that give back. It was decided to invite Terry to speak at the board retreat on July 10th and Assistant Director Nolander will contact him.
- The high school is investigating the idea of having a nine-month long, young entrepreneurial academy. Randy plans to speak with the high school and Riverland about the idea. More discussion followed.
- Keith commented on his support of roundabouts as they are cost savers and move traffic better.
Commissioner Brooks made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Kehr. The motion carried 7 in favor, 0 opposed. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m.
Filed and attested April 3, 2013.