September 1, 2010 Albert Lea Post Authority Minutes
September 1, 2010
7:30 a.m.
The Regular Meeting of the Albert Lea Port Authority was called to order on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 7:30 a.m. by President Ellen Kehr. Roll was noted by the Board Secretary.
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Al Brooks, Jerry Ehn, Mike Moore, Vern Rasmussen, Jr., Nancy Skophammer, Keith Fligge and Ellen Kehr.
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Kehr, business community representative
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS ABSENT: Christopher Shoff, Freeborn County Representative and Jim Norman, City of Albert Lea representative
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Dorman, Executive Director; Ryan Nolander, Assistant Director; Julie Dandrea, Board Secretary
GUESTS: John Kluever, Freeborn County Administrator; Mike Lee, citizen
The minutes from the August 4, 2010 meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Rasmussen made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Moore. The motion carried 7 in favor; 0 opposed.
The claims were presented for review. Executive Director Dorman pointed out the final site grading payment was made on the ALEDA park project. Commissioner Fligge made a motion to approve Resolution PA-10-16 authorizing payment of claims in the amount of $68,014.62, seconded by Commissioner Ehn. The motion carried 7 in favor; 0 opposed.
Executive Director Dorman went over the easement request. After discussion, it was decided as a goodwill effort not to accept the City’s payment of $1,014.56 for this easement. Commissioner Fligge made a motion to approve the request, but to not accept payment from the City of Albert Lea. It was seconded by Commissioner Moore. The motion carried 7 in favor; 0 opposed.
The proposed 2011 Budget was handed out and discussion followed. Some numbers may change as we receive more information. Executive Director Dorman explained that Port Authorities in other cities impose property tax levies for operating expenses; however, our operating expenses are paid from our real estate fund. The budget needs to be given to the City in October. It was decided to continue budget discussion at the October 6, 2010 meeting.
- Blazing Star Summit – A special meeting is planned with the City and other entities on October 14, 2010 to discuss whether the vision is still the same as it was five years ago. Commissioner Fligge inquired who will be invited to participate. Executive Director Dorman said it will not only be city and Port Authority officials, but representatives from other areas as well.
- Star Tribune JOBZ Article – Gubernatorial candidates recently made comments in this newspaper stating the JOBZ program created jobs that would have been in Minnesota either way. Executive Director Dorman and Chamber of Commerce Director Kehr are working on a response to the newspaper showing instances where JOBZ did create jobs. Commissioner Moore added that the JOBZ program brought Select Foods to Albert Lea rather than Clear Lake. Director Dorman said the metro area may not need programs like JOBZ as people have greater job opportunities in the larger metropolitan area. He added that it is much harder for someone to commute from Albert Lea to downtown Minneapolis than it is for a resident of the Lake Street/I-35 area.
- Gametec Building – Discussion followed regarding the pull tab industry. The paper pull tab business has been declining for several years. Gametec is likely to consolidate their operation in Omaha. They have been unwilling to enter into a long-term lease. We will continue to communicate with them.
- Bent Tree Wind Farm – The site was toured last week. The comments were that it was very interesting and a great investment for the area.
- Shell Rock Wind Farm – Executive Director Dorman was invited to a recent meeting. This wind farm will be less than half the size of the Bent Tree Wind Farm and is located in the Conger area. Things are going smoothly. This project will be owned by the Minnesota Municipal Power Association (MMPA). Construction is slated to start in 2012. The MMPA is currently constructing a wind farm in the Blooming Prairie area. Commissioner Fligge asked what will happen to the turbines if technology surpasses the use for wind farms. Director Dorman said Alliant has a plan and is required to dismantle the turbines and return the land back to farmland if needed. If they were not able to do this for some reason, another firm would as the value of the scrap metal greatly exceeds the cost to remove a tower.
Freeborn County
- The third and final budget workshop with the Board of Commissioners is over.
- The proposed levy is 7.9% to make up for loss of state aid and infrastructure funding for state highways. Kluever estimates it will come in around 5% in December. Many county roads need maintenance.
- County health insurance is going up 36%. They are in the S.E. Service Coop Pool. The pool will buy it down to a 25% increase. Deductions may be tweaked to bring it down to a 20% increase.
- The Teamsters Union has requested arbitration.
- There is $200,000 in state aid from DEED for debris removal from the tornado damage the week June 17 through June 26. The county is taking applications until October 15th. Randy Kehr asked if there is a maximum per individual. Commissioner Moore asked if it is open to individuals. Kluever said the funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis with no ceiling and open to businesses or individuals who fill out the paperwork and provide documentation.
- LKQ is requesting a Tax Increment Financing District be established to help them expand in Albert Lea. Ed Tschida, Executive Director Dorman and Assistant Director Nolander will attend an upcoming Freeborn County workshop on this project. There will be a public hearing on Sept. 21. They hope to construct the new building yet this fall.
City of Albert Lea
- The city has hired an advocate to shepherd the Tiger II grant to get the funding for the parking ramp downtown. Commissioner Rasmussen said this is a ten million dollar grant. Commissioner Ehn said ALMC is reviewing the office needs of the south and east annex employees and the former Freeborn Bank building downtown is a possible option.
- President Kehr is trying to get Congressman Walz to visit Albert Lea to get his support for this project.
Chamber of Commerce
- The IPL rate steering committee will hold their first meeting in the ALEDA conference room here on September 30, 2010. Commissioner Skophammer reported Alliant shareholders received dividends in 2009. Randy Kehr said this whole matter won’t be resolved at least until this time next year.
- A permanent work force wellness committee has been created.
- This year the Chamber will take nominations in the small, medium and large Business of the Year category. The addition of the “medium sized” business of the year is a change from past years.
- The annual Chamber of Commerce dinner will be on November 11th at 6:30 p.m. at America’s Best Value Inn.
- The Vanity Store in the mall is closing due to a corporate decision to close all stores that have less than $600,000 in sales per year.
- Commissioner Brooks thanked the board as both a City Councilman and Port Authority Commissioner for the small gesture to the City refusing the payment for the Myers Road temporary easement.
- President Kehr said the reason Jo-Ann Fabrics is moving out of Albert Lea to Austin is that they need more space.
- Commissioner Moore asked if the Shell Rock Dam studies are going to happen. John Kluever did not know if it will at this time. Executive Director Dorman said there are two grants available for this project. He feels we may have a better chance to get the Army Corp of Engineers grant compared to the Lessard Committee grant.
- President Kehr has rewritten Dan Dorman’s contract which has expired. Both Commissioners Moore and Rasmussen have looked it over. There are no significant changes. The new contract will expire on December 31, 2012. Reviews are due January 1, 2011. Evaluation sheets will come out in October and will need to be returned to her by the November meeting so they can be compiled and done by the December meeting.
Commissioner Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by President Kehr. The motion carried 7 in favor, 0 opposed. The meeting recessed at 8:45 a.m.
Filed and attested September 1, 2010.
Ellen Kehr, Board President Julie Dandrea, Board Secretary
“To provide and promote services and resources to retain, expand, create and attract businesses,
increase tax base and quality employment opportunities in Freeborn County.”